Thursday, November 8, 2018

The 10 Percent Solution

It started with Diebold. 

You remember Diebold, the company that put an army of fuckable machines into our voting booths? Just in case you have forgotten, Al Gore would have been president if those computer chips had been soldered in place. 

Personally, I am sure that W did the deed. I was watching the returns that night, he and his family sitting around in front of their tube, when suddenly he was gone “ for about 15 minutes” after making some phone calls. I can see it – Jeb, dammit, git those votes into some car trunk NOW! 

Where was that Dade county box-o-votes for two days anyway? 

Not that it isn’t a long tradition in this country to rig some votes, but now you can just do it openly: gerrymandering, exclusionary voting rules, non-functioning voting places, police intimidation, voter purging, and actual vote changing. I heard a guess that the red scew was in for about 9% in this midterm. 

So, CONGRATULATIONS VOTERS! Look how many of us crawled from the walls to change things up in spite of the fix! I have not heard enough crowing about the monster effort it took to engage enough people for this accomplishment. The Beast seems too have pissed off our children:) We might not have rolled everything our way, but we now are an obstacle They will need to overcome. 

Heh heh heh

The second big lesson learned – our FFF (Fascist First Face) in obviously unable to gather enough power to put soldiers on the street. The election happened and without any false flags to shut things down. I was not sure it would not happen, but I do know that if they could have, they would have. He is a paper tiger. 

And so we proceed with confidence in our base and fearlessness in the face of what is still essentially a fringe cult, a hate-mongering self-interest cartel that slipped in the door while we were sleeping. Evil arrogance has no standing in a democracy, and Tuesday we perhaps were that for the first time in a long time. 

Good hunting to all those newly committed to change in Washington.